7160 Reseda Blvd, Reseda CA, 91335
Specializing in selling rugs from Iran, Russia, China and Spain

About Us

A 20+ year life devoted to everything there is to know about rugs evolved into Khalifa Rugs. Ever since he was young, Mehdi Qubadi was weaving rugs in the region of Khorassan Iran.

Offers rare and one of a kind rugs, as well as modern and new production rugs

Khalifa Rugs is proud to bring quality to our customers

Whether our clients are interior designers, antique rug dealers or even private retail customers, we pride ourselves with presenting the highest quality in customer support; from the busy L.A. rug market to around the world.

Our Story

Khalifa Rugs offers rare and one of a kind rugs, as well as modern and new production rugs, that can only be found by traveling the world and handpicking them. We’ve been all over, in places such as: Tabriz, Kerman, Mashhad, Kashan, Isfahan, Nain, Qom, Spain, Russia, China. What makes each of these locations special when it comes to their rugs is that each is characterized by their specific weaving techniques and use of high quality materials, color and patterns; all things which Khalifa Rugs is proud to bring to our customers.

Whether our clients are interior designers, antique rug dealers or even private retail customers, we pride ourselves with presenting the highest quality in customer support; from the busy L.A. rug market to around the world.

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Khalifa Rugs

It wasn’t long before his talents for repairing antique rugs were discovered by top experts in the west and was invited to work in the US. 20 years later, Mehdi along with his brothers opened Khalifa Rugs, specializing in selling rugs from Iran, Russia, China and Spain, as well as appraising and restoring rugs of any difficulty.

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